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Benefits Of Eating Mango | Nutriguidetour

  Throughout history, mangoes have been a highly valued crop in India. They have become a staple of Indian cuisine and are widely known throughout the world today. There are several varieties of mangoes, and they can weigh approximately one ounce to five pounds each. This fruit offers some impressive  health and fitness  benefits regardless of what type you buy. Heavily associated with the end of the dry season, mangoes are now available year-round in grocery stores. Health and Fitness Here we give you top healthy reasons why you should eat mangoes during summer. Health and Fitness Anti-Cancer Properties Antioxidants found in mangoes include quercetin, fisetin, isoquercitrin, astragalin, gallic acid, and methyl gallate. We are protected from cancer and other illnesses by all of these properties. Keeps Cholesterol Levels In Check With its high vitamins C, fiber, and pectin, mangoes are an excellent fruit for lowering cholesterol levels. Skin Is Cleansed With It Consuming mangos also cle

Foods That Will Boost Your Child’s Immunity

 Immunity is the capability of the body to fight off disease-causing germs. It is a protective shield that prevents us from falling ill. Immunity can be divided into:

Innate Immunity: This is the natural immunity that we all are born with. Barriers like the skin or mucous membranes are part of innate immunity. These provide some defense against invading germs.

Passive Immunity: This is the ready-made immunity we passively gain from sources outside our body, like mother’s milk which transfers temporary immunity to the baby.

Adaptive Immunity: This is the immunity we develop throughout our life by exposure to diseases or through vaccinations. 

Healthy Food To Improve Children Immunity
Healthy Food To Improve Children Immunity

Children have an immature immune system because their adaptive immunity is not developed yet and the passive immunity from mother’s milk is gone. They also need healthy food to improve children's immunity. But falling sick again and again can hamper their physical and mental growth, and can damage their studies. 

Immunity-Boosting Foods You Can Give Your Child To Help Them Fight Off Diseases And Stay Healthy 

Berries:- Berries like strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries are full of antioxidants. These antioxidants remove free radicals from the body and prevent cellular damage, thus keeping the immune system healthy. 

Citrus Fruits:- Citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits are a tasty source of vitamin C, which is essential for the proper immune functions of the body. They also contain vitamins B, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus as well as much-needed antioxidants.

Nuts and Seeds:- Nuts like almonds, cashews, and seeds like pumpkin, flax, and sunflower seeds contain vitamin E which boosts immunity. They also contain proteins, fiber, and healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids. Proteins help in the growth of children while omega-3 fatty acids enhance their brain development.

Yogurt:- Yogurt contains large quantities of probiotics. Probiotics help good bacteria to grow in the gut. These bacteria help in digestion and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. Having good digestion means your child gets more nutrients out of the food he eats.


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